
In the last section we saw how to create DOM nodes in choo. In this section we'll go over how to create event handlers for DOM nodes, so we can make our elements interactive.

Click events

Probably one of the most basic event handlers we can create for the DOM is binding a click handler to a <button> element. Using the knowledge from the previous section we already know how to create a DOM element, like so:

const html = require('choo/html')

const el = html`
  <button>click me!</button>

Try running this in the browser using bankai

Note: if you're not sure how to make this example run in the browser, check out the "your first app" guide first

Now for the next step we're going to add an onClick() handler, like so:

const html = require('choo/html')

const el = html`
  <button onclick=${handleClick}>click me!</button>

function handleClick (event) {
  console.log('button was clicked!')

We can now succesfully handle clicks on our button. Yay!

function hoisting

You may have noticed some things going on in our code though. If you're new to JavaScript you might be wondering how come we define a function at the bottom of the file, and use it above it. This is a nifty little feature of JavaScript called function hoisting. It's a nice little way of putting what's important at the top of the file, and leaving the exact details later in the file. There's some gotchas with it though, but using it in the way we just did is a great pattern to use.

dom events

Another thing you might have noticed is the unused event argument. The event argument is an instance of the DOM's Event type. Sometimes the event argument is special like KeyboardEvent and exposes more values. And sometimes it requires you to call functions on it like event.preventDefault() to prevent it from performing native browser behavior (such as reloading the page after a form submit). Don't worry about it for now though, we'll get back to the event argument as we need to throughout the guide.

Anchor tags

In choo <a href=""></a> tags are a bit special: we handle routing in there out of the box. So anytime you click on an anchor tag, choo will know about it and trigger the right route on the router. Read more about it on the anchor tag section of the guide.

Other listeners

There are heaps of other event listeners available. For example we can create hook into an <input> field like so:

const html = require('choo/html')
  <input type="text" oninput=${onInput}>

function onInput (event) {
  console.log('value is: ' + event.target.value)

For a complete list of events that can be set as attributes, check out kristoferjosph/update-events.

Wrapping up

And that's it; you should now be able to set and handle events from any DOM element. To summarize:

  • we've discussed how to create a click handler for a <button> element
  • function hoisting in javascript exists and is very useful
  • there's a native DOM Event type with custom functions that sometimes need to be called
  • <a> tags are handled out of the box (though there's a complete guide on routing)

And that's it. Go out there and bind events to everything! (PS we're not accountable for performance issues if you actually end up binding events to everything 😱).

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