
Some ideas on how to build modular applications from day 0. No monoliths, ever. The naming of these modules is not important (I made most of them up). It's about how the different layers interact with each other that matters.

server model

The top level directory should convey as much information about a project as possible. Roughly an application should always be split up as such:

delivery mechanism -> boundries -> message bus -> entities

delivery mechanism

A way of getting messages into the application. Generally some HTTP server but could be anything really. It's a plugin to the application. Should take care of abstracting out all application details so only pure data flows out to the boundries.


The application specific business logic. Cannot be abstracted into a framework. Implements the domain model and exposes it to the outside world over the delivery mechanism. Has no notion of details that are hosted in the delivery mechanism. Only operates over data.

message bus

Ties the boundries to the entities without hard linking them. Generally just a function that makes sure the right entity is called.


Non application specific business logic. Generic services that do a thing.

The application root should be able to b

  • database should be a plugin
  • delivery mechanism should be a plugin


Circuit breakers

Provide stability and prevent cascading failures in distributed systems.


  • closed (all is well)
  • open (it's not OK, don't contact me. Sets a timeout, and tries to recover)
  • half-open (allow next request to talk to the service, and see if it passes)

Pieces (for example: levee)

  • timeout
  • max tries before timeout
  • reset timeout

All requests flow through the circuit breaker to check if things work. Lives in service invocation library.

  • track the request
  • see where it flowed through
  • see what services passed
  • see which services failed

That way you can see which parts of your client are slowing down your application. A useful client to do this in a distributed service is with hystrix.

Self tuning systems

Leverage algorithms & data structures to make systems tune themselves. Interface with a central configuration and derive from there. Or better, split up engine from interface & have the engines part be non-configurable. Kinda.

Entity component system

High performance games sometimes make use of ECS.

  • composition over inheritance
  • complexity is stored away in the system
  • nodes just pull in a bunch of properties onto themselves
  • unity is an example ECS

  • entity: general purpose object, usually just holds an id

  • component: raw data for one aspect of the world, and how it interacts with the world. Labels the entity as having a particular aspect. Usually uses Objects or Arrays.
  • system: performs global actions on entities that have a component of the same aspect as the system.

  • Entity_component_system

Domain Driven Design (DDD)

Domain Driven Design (DDD) is a style of coding where you separate your business logic (domains) from implementation details (api / database). As with everything in engineering it has trade-offs:

  • speed: DDD takes longer than monolithic approaches
  • flexibility: DDD is more flexible than monolithic approaches

when should you do DDD?

Ask yourself the following question:

Will this project be maintained in the future?

If the answer is yes, DDD might be a good fit. If not, DDD is not for you.

domain vs persistence

  • domain model: real-life problems and solutions, models behavior.
  • persistence model: what and how data is stored, models storage structure.

Start with the domain first, as it caters to the problem that's being solved. The persistence model is an implementation detail to the domain model.

A domain is persistence agnostic. The persistence model, however, needs to be aware of the domain in order to transform the data.

slicing the lasagna

The service-oriented equivalent of spaghetti code is lasagna code: a single request leads you through multiple (too many) abstraction layers. [ tbi ]

domain model methods

The domain model should contain all logic to interact with the model; exposing complete actions on top of them. That way services can be thin abstractions on top of the models, giving maximum re-usability.


Microservice Monolith

If you write shell scripts your framework is unix / sh. If you write Node applications your framework is JS. Crossing framework boundaries is a cause of complexity because the interfaces do not fully align. Containing logic within a single framework saves cost in the long run.

But before we can put the knowledge above into practice, we need to take a step back and look at architecture. There are generally 2 types of architecture:

  • monolithic: single codebase, all logic lives within here.
  • modular: multiple code bases, concerns (and logic) are separated. Buzz word: microservice.

Monoliths are beautiful in itself: by deploying a single codebase everything works. There's a lot more simplicity to the project, but can backfire horrifically if wrongly designed.

Microservices are much more lenient towards bad design: if a service doesn't work well you can (in theory) replace it by another, better designed service. Mistakes don't leak.

Most projects are somewhere in between the two. For example a node project with an external database, or a service that handles multiple concerns. A microservice monolith is both:

  • single framework: no shell-outs or parent processes: all of the logic is contained within a single VM. Example: Node + LevelDB.
  • modular architecture: using an internal event system and separated concerns the application logic is decoupled. Every service should be able to be run standalone.

By building a microservice monolith you gain the best of both worlds: the ease of deployment and initial speed of a monolith + the loose coupling and maintainability of a modular architecture.



Sessions provide a way to perform actions without authenticating every request. It's the network alternative to gpg agents.

Continuous Deployment

Also known as Continuous Integration (CI), sorta mostly. The goal is to be able to deploy applications fast with very low friction. It's also more secure because credentials don't need to be loaded onto individual machines preventing theft (to some extent, there's no perfect security).

The flow would be as follows

  • people develop code on feature branches
  • feature branches are pushed and trigger a build
  • if a feature branch build passes, the code gets manually merged into development
  • whenever a merge happens on development trigger a build
  • in the scripts if branch is development, trigger a docker build
  • each succesful docker build triggers a deploy

There's a clear infrastructure requirement here:

  • a git host like GitHub that can host code, keep branches and call webhooks
  • a testing platform like BuildKite or Travis that can execute arbitrary code triggered by a webhook and report pass / fail
  • a building platform like BuildKite or Docker Cloud that can create, tag and upload Docker builds and deploy them to infrastructure
  • a deployment target like Google Cloud or AWS that can be used as a target for the deploys

See Also

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