logs and errors

You cannot fix what you don't know is broken. Keeping logs and handling errors is crucial for any application in production.

Stack traces


Error handling

Asynchronous error handling in JavaScript is a little different from most other languages. Because try ... catch only operates within the same tick, it will not work for asynchronous operations in JavaScript.

There are 2 kinds of errors in JS:

  • expected: Expected errors are the result of user interaction. They should be handled gracefully and never thrash the process. Generally these errors will result in 4xx. These errors are passed around using the errback pattern.
  • unexpected: Aka panics. Unexpected errors are bugs in the program. Unexpected errors should terminate the process, delegating control back to a process hypervisor. Before the process is killed, if possible any open connections should be closed with a 5xx status code. These errors are passed around using throw and process.on('unhandledException'), catch should never be used for this.

Class: Error

In JS Error is a global object that can be subclassed. All errors in JavaScript should inherit from the Error class. New instances of Error can be created by doing:

new Error('db connection error')

The created error will have a name of db connection error and a stack trace. Custom properties can be added to the error to provide more information.

Though relatively straight forward, the Error





There are many arguments against Promises, but probably the strongest argument is the implicit catch in every Promise. By having catch inside every Promise, throw will no longer panic the process. Instead the unexpected error is swallowed by the Promise, and returned in the .catch() clause similar to expected errors. This complicates error handling a lot, making it very hard to

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