morning ritual


[1.55] ritual by love aesthetics

Consistency is king. If you have kids you have to be the responsible one. Thinking about this can keep you more sane. Even if you can't always make the full ritual, it's good to have one. Best days are when you can make the full length.

06.25 / drink a glass of lemon water
06.30 / stretch – exercise – stretch
07.00 / shower – get dressed
07.15 / take a moment to apply some face serum and moisturizer
07.17 / put on music, make the bed
07.20 / write a mini schedule and to do list for the day
07.30 / prepare some breakfast
07.45 / eat breakfast together
08.00 / pack lunch
08.20 / enter workspace

[0.30] ritual by develop good habits

Pick from this list and compose a block of 30 minutes:

02 min / fix broken windows (make bed, take out garbage, unmess kitchen)
02 min / glass of cold water with lemon
02 min / take daily vitamins
05 min / maintain a food journal
01 min / let the natural light in
03 min / make an antioxidant smoothie
05 min / meditate for 5 mins
10 min / yoga for 10 mins
02 min / leave a note for loved one
05 min / create list of most important tasks

See Also

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