
Mercury is a modular framework for client-side applications. It provides a sane mechanism of managing state and re-renders. It concerns itself with rendering and updating of views and managing data. However, it does not provide a mechanism of retrieving data from servers. Because of Mercury's modular nature it's possible to replace any part by another part, providing great flexibility based around a minimal core.


Though at the time of writing there are no known instances of it being used in production, the most sane way of using Mercury is as a glue layer only.

Using Mercury as a glue layer capitalizes on the benefits of Mercury without having to buy into a complete framework (every framework will eventually always be replaced by another framework).

The architecture is as follows:

  • Create stand-alone elements with styling and event handlers using pure JS + DOM. The custom-elements specification is particularly useful for this, as it exposes standardized create-update-delete hooks.
  • Create light wrappers around those elements to hook them into mercury. A wrapper should typically be only a few lines. This can probably be done as a module, allowing elements to be wrapped at the view level with minimal overhead.
  • Create standalone hooks to the API, separating data retrieval into a standalone level. Think of it as an inverse API (e.g. client bindings to the API).
  • Create application-specific views that combine several components into a view. These views shouldn't have any styling, as styling should live in components. The router should expose a method of passing child components into other components, providing composability.
  • Wrap the data hooks into Mercury using the global events. The standalone components should now have access to these events through the wrappers. The the components can now update the application without needing to know the event names or the methods behind them.

This particular architecture treats mercury as pure glue; putting it in charge of swapping views, delivering data and binding events but nothing else. Because of this loosely coupled structure, both the components and framework can easily be upgraded, events exist within the application only and modularity + encapsulation become the baseline, rather than a far-off target.

note: Skeptics might argue that React / virtual-dom provide high performance components, and thus having vanilla DOM elements live on the leaves is bad for performance because vdoms are fast. Apparently these Skeptics don't realize that vdom implementations use native DOM methods under the hood, and thus will be slower than raw DOM operations 100% of the time. The main benefit vdoms provide is that it makes it easy to reason about whether or not DOM operations should occur. By using Mercury in the glue layer only we reap all the benefits of using a vdom state tree, without losing any perf.

Update loop

Mercury's components use event delegation to trigger logic. On one side of the application you declare...

Raw Input  ->  Input
Raw Output <-  Render





State is probably the least evolved of all problems. Currently Mercury's application state is a giant immutable object. This is very easy to reason about, and relatively performant, but in high perf scenarios garbage collection might become a problem. I've never run into this yet, but it is something to consider.



note: The hyperscript syntax is efficient, but slightly awkward. Work is needed to make a template-string HTML -> hyperscript transform, preferably working both as a browserify transform and standalone. We don't want to use JSX as it's ugly, breaks tooling and can easily be replaced by template strings.

note: Routing isn't done yet. mercury-router is efficient, but less good than something like react-router. react-router itself is bloated, but has good ideas. Work is needed for a better router (haven't found the time yet).


Wrapping vanilla DOM nodes

edit: virtual-widget now exists, providing a simplified interface for widgets.

Sometimes you want to wrap an external piece of DOM machinery inside your virtual-dom application. This is done using widgets. It allows you to create a custom.

module.exports = GoogleMapWidget

function GoogleMapWidget(initialPosition) {
  if (!(this instanceof GoogleMapWidget)) {
    return new GoogleMapWidget(initialPosition)
  this.type = 'Widget' // setting the type prevents errors
  this.position = initialPosition

GoogleMapWidget.prototype.init = function () {
  var elem = document.createElement('div') = GoogleMap(elem)
  return elem

GoogleMapWidget.prototype.update = function (prev, elem) { = ||

The first time init() is called it should return a DOM element. The DOM element can be mutated freely as virtual-dom will never touch it.

update() is called if the widget was available in the previous tree, and gives a chance to update state through this. In practice this means that an immutable state object or data store can be queried for the latest data and the new render can take place based on that. So unlike in React, virtual-dom doesn't rely on new properties to flow through to update widgets.


Components should by styled using sheetify as a browserify transform. As of writing the transform version works, but isn't published yet. Until publishing css-next style stylesheets + stylesheet aggregation should suffice (possibly with some BEM); post-publish conflicts will be resolved by automatic namespacing. Don't use css-modules as it relies on the filesystem, requires non standard extensions to the language and thus locks you into a framework.

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