
  • The key to productivity is to make your hours count.
  • Don't FB at work, answer personal email, gossip or other stuff.
  • Have a life besides work.
  • Don't work after 6pm.
  • You're more attentive in the morning, tackle hard stuff then.

Time management

  • Reserve easier chores for the end of the day.
  • If you can't do it in 8 hours, you can't do it in 10.
  • Break your week open in segments, plan on a macro scale.
  • Plan your day in segments, what are you going complete today?
  • Have fixed moments for email / code review / other stuff. This gives you headspace.

  • Why Germans work fewer hours but produce more

Taxes as a freelancer

When supplying services as a freelancer in a non-EU country as a dutchie, you don't charge Dutch taxes, charge the taxes of that country + stick to the laws of the country.


Charge per week, as you become focused on features not hours. Also less overhead in terms of time management.

Post client relations

  • Follow a successful consulting engagement with a case study.
  • if no case study, ask for a testimonial
  • you do the work, both of you get the profits
  • testimonials should be specific, focused on a business result and highly credible
  • if no case study or testimonial, ask for private reference

Giving interviews

  • do a screening based on portfolio / meta analysis
  • identify top candidates
  • use an unstructured interview to get them excited about the job
  • get them excited about the company

Job sites




Going freelance


  • Autonomy
  • Mastery
  • Purpose

Taking interviews

Whenever you apply for a new job there's a bunch of questions you need to ask.

  • what are the positions you have available
  • what kind of employee are you looking for?
  • tell them what you are looking for
  • tell them when you're around / available to further chat


Signing contracts is important for yourself, and for your customers. Don't hesitate to sign one at the start of a relationship. If you trust each other, there shouldn't be a problem in persisting that trust.

A contract should contain the following:

  • A simple overview of who is hiring who, what they’re being hired to do, when and for how much
  • What both parties agree to do and what their respective responsibilities are
  • The specifics of the deal and what is or isn’t included in the scope
  • What happens when people change their minds (as they almost always do)
  • A simple overview of liabilities and other legal matters
  • You might even include a few jokes

  • contract killer

  • contract killer 3 gist

Starting a new job contracting job

  • start working after the contract is signed
  • take 24 hours to read through the contract and agree on terms
  • some stuff might be non-negotiable, if you start working before it's signed there are no guarantees of pay
  • terms might be unable to be agreed upon, and will then end up performing free work

See Also


Minimum of 5 weeks is healthy, unlimited vacation is bad. More should easily be possible hey.

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