marketing sites

Digital Ocean

  • very convincing
  • loads fast
  • ability to sign up every step of the way
  • all essential links on a single page
    +----------------------------------------------------------+      +------------+
    |                        what's new                        |--+   |  One line  |
    +-----------------+----------------------------------------+  +-->|  updates   |
    |      Logo       |            Quick nav links             |--+   +------------+
    +-----------------+--------+-------------------------------+  |   +------------+
    |     Slogan      |        |                               |  |   | Don't draw |
    +-----------------+        |                               |  |   |  too much  |
    | Name persuasive |        |                               |  +-->| attention, |
    |    feat(ure)    |        |        GIF screencast         |--+   |max 2 links |
    +-----------------+        |                               |  |   | stand out  |
    |   Signup form   |        |                               |  |   +------------+
    |                 |        |                               |  |   +------------+
    +-----------------+        +-------------------------------+  |   |            |
    +----------------------------------------------------------+  |   |  Show off  |
    |               +-------------------------+                |  +-->| persuasive |
    |               |  Pricing header + info  |                |      | feat(ure)  |
    |  +------------+-------------------------+-------------+  |      |            |
    |  |                                                    |  |      +------------+
    |  |                 Pricing tier cards                 |  |
    |  |                                                    |--++   +--------------+
    |  |                                                    |  ||   |Highlight the |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |+-->| recommended  |
    |                    +---------------+                     |    | pricing card |
    |                    | Signup button |                     |    +--------------+
    |                    +---------------+                     |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  |                Big convincing words                |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  |      Testimonial cards from important people       |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |                                                          |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  |                Big convincing words                |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  |              Important company logos               |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  |             Name persuasive feat(ure)              |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  |               Horizontal signup form               |  |
    |  |                                                    |  |
    |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
    |                                                          |
    |                                                          |     +-------------+
    |                Giant footer with sitemap                 |     |  product,   |
    |            (product, company, help, connect)             |---->|  company,   |
    |                                                          |     |help, connect|
    |                                                          |     +-------------+
    |                                                          |
    |                   Casual, cool metric.                   |

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